Thursday, August 18, 2011

Two Year Anniversary Guest Post!

Hi, I'm Mike The Bold (File Photo Attached). You may remember me from such blogs as 'Mike's Best Blog Ever' & the forthcoming extended paean to Star Trek- 'Beyond The Farthest Blog'. Although, if you remember something from the future, that's precognition, Kyle!

Recently incapacitated while bravely battling the forces of the occult, Bookmonkey asked me to say a few words about his two years on the job.

So, here goes:


Aaaaand now a few more. What a magnificent blog it's been so far! I'm well aware of the demands on his time as father, provider, and ghostbuster (I assume) and yet Bookmonkey puts these out like clockwork, only more reliably and consistently. And I'm not just saying that because the man has excellent taste in BFFs.

Check out topics as diverse as diversity allows, with particular attention to the spooky and the infinite realms of the fantastic. Shove over, Roger Ebert, Bookmonkey knows how to provide truly USEFUL reviews for the geek on the go.

Delve into Genre Characters of the Week every Wednesday! Chilling creatures, mighty heroes, mice and much more. I liked the idea so much, I STOLE it and I only paid him chump change!

Finish out your workweek with Things He's Noticed. Not for nothing is this called 'Wisdom of Bookmonkey'. He's no slouch in the smarts department.

Thank you, blogspot, for hosting this guy. Thank you, dear followers, readers, and lurkers, for doing what you do. And thank you, Bookmonkey, for clever, insightful, and entertaining posts.

Bookmonkey may not spend as much time on TV cartoon fare for the under seven set (my mental peeps!) but you'll be amazed what you can get out of his Paper DVDs once in a while. Here's to the next two years!

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